Category Archives: Lifestyle

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The final page in the book, the last chance for this year, the remaining few hours. Its time to say our goodbyes to 2014 and open our eyes to a brand-spanking-new 2015. But this all just a standard really. I’m sure you are prepared for the thousands of photos, videos and snapchats that will be filling the internet in the next 24 hours. It’s New Years Eve and everyone wants to make sure that you never, ever forget that. So it’s been a whole year since the last one – has this year been ‘your year’?

It’s been celebratory for the Royals. Prince George celebrated his first birthday, whilst Wills and Kate announced that there is soon to be another royal bundle on the way. Ellen DeGeneres broke records with the most celeb-filled ‘selfie’, Kim and Kanye made it to the cover of Vogue and David Beckham pleased us all with his ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. But obviously not forgetting the sad loss of Robin Williams, the undiscovered missing Malaysian Airlines flight and the horrific outbreak of Ebola.

How cute?!

So how would your verdict stand?

For many, I’m sure this has been the year where everything has started to fall into place. You’ve started University, you’ve walked into a new job, you’ve bought yourself a new house and maybe you’ve found someone, too. The feeling of success and achievement is something that you can most definitely take forward past midnight. And it’s good have a reflection on the past year and make sure that you take with you the best parts of the year, and just leave the others behind. They were made for 2014 – they’re so last year!

But you might be reading this and thinking to yourself, “No, that certainly wasn’t me”. But that’s okay. Things might not have worked out the way that you had hoped. Maybe you’ve lost, maybe you’ve put on a few pounds, or maybe you’re just not content with the way things are rolling. But there’s no better opportunity to turn things around than a whole new year and a fresh smile.

Every January you hear of these New Year’s resolutions that are going to turn everyone’s lives around and make everyone the happiest they’ve ever been, ever ever ever. And that may be so, but only if they are realistic. Joining the gym – usually at the top of a many people’s lists but often only lasts a month. Saving money is quite often up there as well, but then you realise there is January sales, followed by Summer sales, followed by Winter sales. Woops! So if these are the kind of goals that you want to reach, go for it! .. But stick to it! No one wants to see you in December next year setting yourself the same resolutions are you are doing now. Be brave, prove someone wrong!

Keep that gym membership past January!

So before the fireworks are set off and the champagne is overflowing, make sure you know what you want to get out of it. But most importantly, before it reaches 12am, stuff your face with the last chocolates, sweets and turkey because no one wants to see you make the same resolution twice!

Happy New Year!

The Jokes on You

In case you hadn’t already realised it’s that time of year again where you get the decorations up, the presents all wrapped and the dinner prepped. And if there’s a Christmas dinner on the cards, there is definitely a selection of Christmas cracker jokes coming your way! Now, for most, we’re so over the fact that the majority of cracker jokes are terrible and likely to have been written by a 4 year old. However, there is always a couple that are capable of getting a chuckle or two around the dinner table!

So with that in mind, I have compiled a list of 20 of my best of the worst Christmas cracker jokes that you can use around the table next week. Get ready to grumble!

1. Why couldn’t the skeleton go to the Christmas party?
Because he had no body to go with

2. Who hides in the bakery at Christmas?
A mince spy

3. What happened to the man who stole an Advent Calendar?
He got 25 days

4. Why did the golfer where an extra pair of trousers?
In case he got a hole in one

5. What do ghosts eat at Christmas?

6. What do they sing at a snowman’s birthday party?
Freeze a jolly good fellow

7. Why don’t ducks tell jokes when they’re flying?
Because they’d quack up

8. What is Santa’s favourite pizza?
One that’s deep-pan, crisp and even

9.What do you call someone that’s scared of Santa?

10. What athlete is the warmest at Christmas?
A long jumper

11. What would you get if you ate Christmas decorations?

12. What says ‘Oh-Oh-Oh’?
Santa walking backwards

13. Why did the snowman come first at the Winter Olympics?
There was snow competition

14. Why do you never see Santa at the hospital?
Because he has private elf-care

15. What’s the best Christmas present you could receive?
A broken drum, you just can’t beat it

16. What award goes to designers of doorknockers?
A no bell prize

17. Why did the mushroom go to the party?
Because he was a fun-gui

18. How can you tell if Santa is a werewolf?
He has Santa Claws

19. What do you get if you cross a lion with snow?

20. What do elves learn at school?
The elf-abet

I’m sure I heard you giggling under your breath at at least one of those and if you’re not groaning and jeering, the cracker joke is definitely not doing it’s job properly! Cringe-worthy or not, it wouldn’t be Christmas without them!

What is Christmas without a full stomach?

For most of us, Christmas is a time to over-indulge in calorific food and gain 3 stone in the space of 2 days. But it is easy to forget that this isn’t the case for everyone. As part of a University assignment, I pieced together a short radio documentary based around food banks and the need for food this Christmas. I wish to share it with you in the hope that it might raise awareness and increase the number of donations around this happy time of year.

National Christmas Jumper Day

First of all, I have to apologise for the neglection towards my blog this week. Unfortunately due to Uni work, I have been up until ungodly hours chipping away at assignments and documentaries. But, as of 12pm this afternoon, I was officially free and ready to head home for the Christmas period.

So on the topic of Christmas and whilst I’m sitting writing this in my Christmas jumper, I thought it would the perfect opportunity to address the national day for Christmas jumpers. Up and down the country people are dressed in their best, festive knitwear all in the name of charity. The idea is to wear a Christmas jumper and donate £2 to ‘Save the Children’. So when you think about, it’s a win-win situation. We get to wear our Christmas jumpers (not that we need an excuse) and we’re raising money for charity and helping vulnerable youngsters.

It might be tradition for you at school, college or even in the office, to have a festive jumper themed day and Christmas jumpers have certainly become a quick contender for the number 1 Christmas dinner/party dress code. But the bigger question is, have you picked the best bargain?

Here is just a few of the beauties that you can still get your hands on this Christmas!

Home Alone inspired jumpers at Boohoo, £15
Home Alone inspired jumpers at Boohoo, £15
Rudolph's making an appearance at New Look, £25
Rudolph’s making an appearance at New Look, £25
Topshop is full of festivies this year, £25
Topshop is full of festivies this year, £25

If these are too cheesy for your liking or you think that they are too novelty to keep up with your ‘street cred’, there are still many more varieties that are invading our high streets.

Get Christmassy at ASOS
Get Christmassy at ASOS

So it might be that you’ve missed the boat with this year’s National Christmas jumper day, but it’s certainly not too late to get your hands on something festive. Add a bit of cheese to your outfit, or stay a bit more traditional but either way, don’t be the Bah Humbug!

Do I look Superhuman?

The first semester at University is promptly coming to a close and for some, the Christmas break has already begun. But for those of you (including me) that are still bogged down with work and assignment deadlines, you’ve just got to think that there is only one more week to go!

It seems to be that as soon as you begin University, there are not enough hours in the day, enough days in the week or enough weeks in the month. There is just never enough time and always something that you should be running around for or frantically completing with minutes to spare. But that’s just the way it goes.

Being a journalism student, we are always on the go. There is always a story to write, or a feature to prepare for or someone who wants your attention – and most of the time it’s all 3 at once! Do lecturers think we are superhuman? I’m sure that if the roles were reversed and we set them 3 deadlines in the space of one week, they wouldn’t be so laid back and chilled out about the length of their to-do list! But being organised is key and quite possibly the only way that you will achieve each of these deadlines with some ease – I said some. I know for me, personally, it has got to a point where my to-do lists are constructed on a daily basis and they each start with “Wake up”. You would think that its common sense and not necessary for a list, but it helps!

Christmas is a busy time of year for everyone, being a student, being a parent, being a teacher, being a doctor. Everyone wants something from you at Christmas time. But why is it not spread evenly throughout the year? Let’s face it, unless you’re the Prime Minister of a country, there is at least one point in the year where things are ‘quiet’ and a little less stressful (although, I’m not sure if the PM is the best example for this now, considering some recent political decisions – but we’ll save that for another day!).

So I suppose that whilst I’m rambling on, the underlying message here is that I’m stressed, and I know you’re probably stressed too. But there is light at the end of tunnel, one week to go and we will be saying goodbye to the first semester. If it means that you have a few late ones because you’re up most of the night working, that’s okay – you won’t be the only one! And so, the more you knuckle down into each assignment deadline, the closer you are to a visit from Santa (that’s dependant on your results though!)

And breathe.

Christmas is Coming!

December 1st. It’s finally here. Advent calendars opened for the first day, Christmas songs on repeat and Christmas jumpers finally making an appearance. It’s officially the time of year where we can begin to get even more frantic than normal about the number of shopping trips we have to make.

Presents, cards, food, decorations, the works. There’s no turning back now, there is no more chances to put it off. It’s time to get on with it! But before all of that, there are a few things that are just a must-do before we reach the rapidly-approaching 25th December.

Get festive at the Christmas Market!
Get festive at the Christmas Market!

Christmas markets. Not so many years ago you would only hear of the odd market here and there, a small one in a main town centre if you’re lucky. But now every town, square and village seems to have a Christmas market in one way, shape or form. It’s a chance to bring out those winter woollies and dress up all warm and cosy. Roam around the traditional, German-inspired huts filled with all things Christmassy. Roasted chestnuts and mulled wine – if that doesn’t shout Christmas then I don’t know what does.

Festive songs. If you ask me, there should be a very strict rule that you are not allowed to play/listen to any form of Christmas song until we hit December 1st. And before you start, it’s not for the reason that I am the ultimate Bah Humbug, but in all honestly, by the time we actually reach Christmas Day we’re all sick of the same Christmas songs! So, as we’ve reached the landmark date it is officially acceptable to listen and sing along to those Christmas classics as much as you like!

Christmas jumpers. These are another festive treat that need to be saved until we reach December. There is such a wide range of knitted, festive attire for the Christmas period allowing you to decide whether you prefer a tragically, over-commercialised design, or whether you’re more a fan of the sophisticated theme – Christmassy patterns, often with a reindeer or two. You’d be surprised how many people take pride in their Christmas jumpers and how they are quickly becoming the dress code for all festive events.

Gingerbreads and mince pies – homemade of course! This is where we spot the creative one out of us all, the one that always tries to trump you with a gingerbread house. But it is the perfect Christmas activity for a wintery day. With a few Christmas classics playing in the background, getting creative with the festive treats. Delicious. Don’t mind if I join you!

So it may only be another 24 days until the big man himself arrives, but there are plenty of festivities that you can get your teeth into this Christmas. Don’t go overboard though, make sure you save some space for the turkey!

Everything you NEED to know about Black Friday

Attention all shopaholics, Black Friday is back!

For those of you that don’t know, Black Friday is the wedding day of the retail calendar. It’s one of the best days in the year to grab yourself a bargain and treat yourself to something that you’ve resisted buying all year round. So whilst Black Friday technically starts today, some retailers started offloading their bargains yesterday afternoon. Keen!

What once started as a one-day event in the US, is now a 4 or 5 day event across a large part of the globe. The day spread across the shores as the prices dropped, and you don’t even have to venture out of the house if you don’t want to – get your bargains online, right in time for Christmas!

The best thing about this year is that Black Friday 2014 is set to be bigger than ever before and, potentially, bigger than those Boxing Day sales that we LOVE. Its officially kick-starting the frantic online Christmas shopping season and I, for one, cannot wait. So before you’re named the fool, here are just a few of the one-off discounts that you could get your hands on over the next few days. Stand by for bargains!

Is 50% too tempting?

Topshop are offering up to 50% off selected lines. In other words, they’re not brave enough to take the big leap and discount all of their products, they’ve just chosen a select few. Jewellery, winter boots and fluffy knits seem to be the dominant garments for one of our favourite stores.

ASOS have taken the plunge with a 20% discount on EVERYTHING! Sounds great, right? But it doesn’t stop there. ASOS are feeling generous enough to continue their sale through until Tuesday. It’s the perfect opportunity to grab your hands on a trendy bargain for Christmas.

Boohoo are staying fairly neutral, with a 30% of everything. However, we know that we can always count on an online favourite for a little added extra – free delivery! There is nothing more frustrating than paying for item delivery. As if we haven’t paid enough already for what we’re purchasing, they have the cheek to add on another week’s wages in delivery. Scandalous. But not today!

Missguided might have a number of discount days throughout the year, but you certainly cannot say no to another 20% off. The increasingly popular online retailer are helping you out with discounts across all departments. Maybe its time for a new dress for the party season? Or maybe you just fancy another festive jumper? I know I do!

Can you resist Black Friday?
Can you resist Black Friday?

Miss Selfridge are teasing us with a juicy 50% off (well, up to 50)! If its a store that you might choose to bypass if you’re short of a penny or two, then now is a great chance to land yourself a treat. Maybe you fancy something more sophisticated? Or something to dazzle in at the work Christmas do? Go on, go for it.

River Island are offering another 20% off in store and online. You’ve got to be clock watching with this one though, from 11am-3pm only. We can always rely on River Island if we’re in need of a new jacket or coat, so don’t hold back this Black Friday!

Stand by for those bargains as the Boxing Day sales have come early this year. Comment below with any juicy deals that you manage to get your hands on – Happy shopping!

The Party Season is back!

The Christmas party season is the highlight of any woman’s calendar. Its the time of year where we get to dress up, make up and just feel fabulous in so many ways! With glamour being the most important ingredient, take a look at some of these show-stoppers that are currently on the high street and waiting for you to take a twirl.

Topshop are teasing us with these sparkly numbers this year and quite rightly too. A Christmas party is the perfect time to sport a frock bursting with sequins, ensuring you shine all night long. It’s all about going to town with the glitz and glamour and often accompanied with a bright, block colour lipstick – usually a shade of red – keeping it festive!

River Island is the place to visit if you’re a sucker for a LBD. From bodycons, to shift dresses, to a slinky midi, they’re all available for an affordable high street price. Flaunt that figure that you’ve worked all year for, and feel radiant in a classic design. Less is more when it comes to these winter treasures.

If you find winter colours a little too harsh and sombre, then luckily New Look have launched a gorgeous range of lacey frocks for the party season. Pastels, two-tones and dresses that bring a more sophisticated approach to the party. Keep your make-up sweet and not too OTT for a truly feminine look.

And its over to Miss Selfridge for the other set of sophisticated Christmassy frocks. For one of our leading high street stores, its all about the embellished dresses this year. Wintery shades mixed with beads and sequins is the way to get a few heads turning as you arrive in style. The figure-hugging collection are there to show off your best bits and help you party in style.

So now is your chance to dial up the glamour in whatever way suits you best. Whether its a slinky, sequin number or a traditional LBD, you’ll be sure to have the best Christmas yet in one of these beauties. Ladies, its your time to shine and there may even be a convenient clipping of mistletoe above you if you choose the right one!

Christmas Gifts for the Kids

Now, we’ve had the men, we’ve had the women, so it would only be fair that we compile a list of what the kids are after this Christmas. Every year it’s “Mum, can I have this?” or “Dad, I want that!”, so make sure you’re up to date with the hottest presents this year to ensure that you’re child won’t be disappointed with Santa’s deliveries!

1. Monty the Penguin


We all know him from the award-winning John Lewis advert, but now is the chance to get even more warm and cosy this Christmas with a cuddle from their very own Monty the Penguin soft toy. Demand for these has been through the roof and the shelves are already looking very bare, so for £35 make sure you head on down to John Lewis to feast your eyes on the ever-expanding ‘Monty and Mable’ range.

2. Ice Skating Elsa Doll


It has been one of the most popular films of the year, and is continuing to score points in many family homes. I’m sure many of your young ones will be disappointed if they don’t have an ice skating Elsa waiting for them under the tree on Christmas Day. But you better get your skates on (pardon the pun) and show your face in Argos whilst these hot cakes are only £25.49. Christmas? Consider it sorted!

3. Zoomer Dalmation


Something predominantly for the boys here, and there’s no surprise considering the remote control, gadgetey looking creature that this is. Zoomer Dalmations are the new craze for this year and it’s largely what all the children are talking about in the school playground. Find yours at your nearest Tesco for a hefty £59.99 – you can always rely on your kids to break the bank!

4. Xbox One


As we all know, having one gaming console is never enough and if its not the most recent release then, well, you’ve got no chance. So this is why the Xbox One is sought after for many teens this Christmas. Next level gaming and brand new adventures to embark on, surely Santa wouldn’t let them down? (Oh, I forgot to mention the £349.99 price tag!)

5. DohVinci Style and Store Vanity Set


It’s every girl’s dream to have the perfect hair and make-up, and in order to acheive that, you need the perfect mirror to stare at yourself in. Cue DohVinci Style and Store Vanity Kit. This allows them to design and decorate their mirror in their own unique style. What’s more, they can even pair this up with a number of other DohVinci products that are within this year’s hottest range. Fabulous!  So for only £19.99 at Argos, don’t be a Scrooge this Christmas.

6. Kidizoom Smart Watch


Getting a new watch is exciting for anyone, never mind their age! And there’s no surprise that this has made into the Top 10 for this Christmas. With exciting new features, interactivities and games, your son or daughter will look the coolest kid on the block with this piece of arm candy! What’s more, the price isn’t too frightening either – £29.99 from Toys R Us – bargain!

7. Furby Boom


The new generation of Furby’s is hatching! They were always a winner on their first appearance, so it’s no wonder that the kids are after them again! With loads more content, interaction and colours, Furby’s are invading the shelves of many toy shops this festive season. They can even interact with their Furby using the Furby Boom app! Sounds great, right?! That’s right, collect them all at £39.99 each at The Entertainer!

8. Nerf Demolisher


This is where Nerf Wars get stepped up a level. Be prepared to be sabotaged whilst you’re preparing that turkey if one of these is waiting patiently under your Christmas tree. The Nerf Demolisher is the new member to the Nerf family and it’s at the top of a number of Christmas lists. If you’ve got kids that love to cause mischief, then this is one for them. 2-in-1 bullet blasters are priced at £33.99 from Smyths Toy Store.

9. My Friend Cayla


My friend Cayla is just like a real friend. You can talk to her, play games with her and get to know her like a part of your family. It would seem that the generation of Baby Annabelle is in the past since this chick has hit the town. Who needs real friends when they’ve got Cayla by their side?! She needs picking up from Argos for around £59.99 – sound good to you?

10. My Monopoly

my monoply

My Monopoly is the most interactive Monopoly  board game to date. Set up a personalised account online and use this to create your own properties and places that appear on the board. It’s the fun and exciting evolution of board games, so get up to speed with the 21st century and get your hands on one of these. Come on, it’s an easy one to wrap!

So even if you’ve threatened Santa’s naughty list this year, or even if you have a child that wants everything, there must be something that you can surprise them with on Christmas Day. Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy one of these gifts and, well, that’s kind of the same thing!

Christmas Gifts for Him

Now, as much as the men might be useless at knowing what to buy us ladies, I think we can all admit that sometimes they are just as difficult. What do you buy a man that has everything?

Whether its your husband, boyfriend, Dad or brother, they always prove to be the most challenging to buy for. But have no fear, before the winter nights become too prevalent and you get to far in to your advent calendar, let me show you what the men are drooling over this Christmas.

1. Soundlink Bluetooth Speakers by Bose

Bose Soundlink Bluetooth Speakers
Bose Soundlink Bluetooth Speakers

The entire male population love to make sure that they have the most recent gadgets and up to date technology, so you could lend them a helping hand – after all, it is Christmas! These fresh Bluetooth speakers are fresh for 2014 and priced at £119.95 (£120 would be so much easier). So they can forget about needing cables and wires to listen to their music, instead they can carry this handy gadget anywhere they wish.

2. Brown Leather Wallet by Scotch and Soda

Scotch and Soda Leather Wallet
Scotch and Soda Leather Wallet

Now a wallet can be quite a standard present for a guy. No one ever knows what to get them, so a decent leather wallet (this one’s only £50!) will never go a miss. You want to make sure they are carrying their money in style when they’re taking you out for dinner, or on a shopping spree… or neither of the above! That sounds more like it!

3. Aquatouch Wet and Dry Electric Shaver by Phillips

Phillips Aquatouch Shaver
Phillips Aquatouch Shaver

There is something about buying shavers that gets men all flustered and stressed. However this new gadget from Phillips could be the answer to all of their hairy troubles. For a start its wet and dry so its perfect for when they’re running late for work, as well as Sunday morning trims. But don’t be a fool and buy it from Phillips directly, get yourself down to Argos or John Lewis where you’ll find it for £39.99, as opposed to £100!

4. Desktop Mini Football Table by John Lewis

Desktop Mini Table Football
John Lewis Desktop Mini Table Football 

Its our trusty John Lewis again! But this time they’ve shown their lighter side with a desktop size table football. Amazing! Perfect for those guys who love novelty gifts and are partial to a laugh or two at Christmas time! Ideal for the office or even distracting the kids.. Go on, for £10 you can’t be a spoil sport, it’s Christmas!

5. Supersoft Dressing Gown by Next

Next Supersoft Dressing Gown
Next Supersoft Dressing Gown

The man and his dressing gown, it’s the perfect combination. Its never something that they would buy themselves because (obviously) they have more important things to spend their money on. So why don’t you do them a favour this Christmas and ditch the old robe and replace it with one of these super cosy dressing gowns from Next for just £22. Ideal!

6. Boss Bottled Unlimited Eau de Toilette by Hugo Boss

Hugo Boss Bottled Unlimited Eau de Toilette
Hugo Boss Bottled Unlimited Eau de Toilette

There is no denying that we all love that moment when you are walking down the street and you get a waft of someone that smells absolutely divine. Make that someone you know. Another new fragrance for this year is this from Hugo Boss. Its the perfect gift and a lot simpler to wrap than some of the kids toys! Priced at £54.40, treat them to an aftershave that will make them feel like they’re the boss.

7. Frosty Cable Knit Grey Jumper by John Lewis

Frosty Cable Knit Grey Jumper by John Lewis
Frosty Cable Knit Grey Jumper by John Lewis

Winter is not complete without a winter wooly here and there. So how about making sure their wardrobe is well stocked for the Christmas period. They’ve even named it ‘Frosty’. It must be the perfect Christmas gift! You’ll find them stocked in most high street shops but you can rely on John Lewis for this one. £49, too, That ‘aint bad.

8. Freshfeet socks by Marks and Spencer

M&S Freshfeet Socks (7 Pack)
M&S Freshfeet Socks (7 Pack)

Its no laughing matter. Socks are essential and, in fact, the perfect stocking filler. If you’re after a small gift, or a little novelty something to go alongside a present, then look no further than a pair (or two) of socks. You can find socks to fit the personality; serious ones, jokey ones, colourful ones, work ones. The list is endless. But these Freshfeet packs from M&S are only £12 and you’re getting a whole 7 pairs! Hopefully not a hole, but a whole 7 pairs!

9. Wax Cotton Messenger Bag by Barbour

Barbour Wax Cotton Messenger Bag
Barbour Wax Cotton Messenger Bag

Man bags are all the range these days, so whether you are a fan or not, I’m sure you know a guy that is after one. They’re a great accompaniment to the briefcase that they carry to work. This will set you back £129, but for once, spice up their fashion sense with a satchel and then see how much they thank you later.

10. Red Check Lounge Pants by River Island

River Island Red Check Loungewear
River Island Red Check Lounge Pants

The reds, the greens, the navys, the checks – they all have that Christmassy feel to them. And pyjamas are one of the most essential Christmas presents. Every year, to unwrap a fresh new pair of pyjamas is a cosy feeling in itself. So River Island are just one retailer stocking festive lounge-wear for the festive season. For £18 you can buy comfort and happiness through pyjamas. Sorted!

So if you’re one of those unlucky ladies that has to shop for men that have everything, or men that don’t want anything, hopefully this can give you a little inspiration and lighten the workload for Christmas shopping.

But we can’t forget about the kids. Coming soon is the last of the Christmas gift inspirations, ‘What the kids want for Christmas’!