Top 5 Best Things About Summer

Uni has finished. You’ve moved back home. Summer has officially begun. And with the weather being as glorious as it is, this certainly calls for a reflection on the best things about the summer season.

Beach days are the best days
Beach days are the best days

1. The Beach – nothing can beat a warm sunny day the beach. Us Brits are determined to make a coastal appearance, even if the weather is bad. Miles of golden sand and vast expanses of water, we’ll dip our feet in whether the temperature is in minus numbers or not. I’m sure everyone can say they’re guilty of an English sunburn. Laying on the beach, sizzling until you physically cannot stay any longer – then regretting it in the evening when you could quite possibly fry an egg on your shoulders. Where’s the aftersun?

2. BBQs – Any time of the day. Any day of the week. You cannot say no to a BBQ. Sausages, burgers, chicken skewers and corn on the cob, all charcoaled by your Dad’s best BBQing skills. There’s something about a BBQ in the sunshine with a cider in one hand and a burger in the other. Absolute perfection. Still sitting outside late at night, being bitten to death by mosquitoes – that’s when you know you’re in the really summer spirit!

3. Wimbledon – As soon as the sun arrives you know that Wimbledon cannot be far around the corner. Two weeks of solid tennis entertainment. It almost becomes an addiction. Will he, won’t he? Can Murray bag us another win for this year? Strawberries and cream on centre court and endless jugs of Pimms, it’s difficult to realise why you would want to be too far from a television screen.

Get the strawberries and cream at the ready!

4. Holidays – The countdown began a fair few months ago now and you’re so near to the end. Weeks abroad, relaxing by a pool, sunbathing on an exotic beach, ice cream after ice cream and bottle upon bottle of after sun. It’s a chance to test your GCSE languages that are still somewhere buried at the back of your brain. Absorbing foreign cultures and most importantly, time to chill out. Lounging around in the sun with a cocktail in arms length. Paradise.

5. Sunshine – We can never be too sure when it comes to summer whether we are going to get the weather that we hope for, but nevertheless, there’s sure to be a day or two filled with British sun. It’s not quite the same as the heat we get in the Mediterranean but, if nothing else, it puts a smile on our face.

So we can only live in hope that this sunny weather continues for a bit longer. If not, we shall be digging out the waterproofs and winter woollies slightly earlier than we had wished!

Made in Chelsea, Series 7 Finale Review

So you may have noticed a missing review in this constant cycle of Chelsea gossip. Well this would be correct. Due to my absence of blogging last week, I thought I would tie these 2 episodes together and give a brief run-down of what happened last week followed by all the gossip of this year’s season finale.

So last week we saw Jamie completely ruin his chances with Riley after being incapable to letting go of his feelings for Lucy. Surely he should’ve learned to keep his mouth shut now but obviously this was not the case. Confessing his crush on Riley followed by confessing his undying love for Lucy is only going to end up in drama. Louise and Fran both battle it out for that all important date with the fresh-faced Fordy. Louise ends up on top (not literally- yet) and bags herself a dinner date/competition. Judging by Louise’s previous cooking disasters, we can already see this being entertaining!

Fran and Louise battle it out for Fordy's company
Fran and Louise battle it out for Fordy’s company

In other news, Binky continues to cry about Alex whilst continually losing her friends in the process. The girls repeatedly talk about the Binky and Alex situation and come to the conclusion that they just have to let them get on with it. Binky, for one, doesn’t seem too fussed about this as she takes an overly flamboyant trip to Longleat with Mark Francis, Victoria and her sidekick Sophie. How divine!


And finally it’s reached an end. Series 7, check.

We kicked off this week with the ‘Bois’ enjoying the rugby at Twickers, dressed in slightly unusual fancy dress. Spencer in some kind of snowball looking outfit and Stevie as a crocodile. And with the absence of Francis Boulle this series, Andy took to the game of skateboarding, tearing up the streets of Chelsea. With the enthusiasm of an excitable 5 year old, he bumps into Louise who takes pride in showing him her lobster (no innuendo) which she has just picked up for her cooking competition with hot date, Fordy.

The Bois enjoying the rugby at Twickers
The Bois enjoying the rugby at Twickers

Former business buddies, Lucy and Riley, meet to discuss their plan to sabotage Jamie at last week’s party. Riley proved she is the new queen of the ‘bitch walk’ and they both disapprove of Jamie’s indecency to grant an apology. Throughout the episode we continue to refer back to Cheska who takes pleasure in telling everyone how Binky has mistreated her as a supposed best friend. For someone that is supposedly over their friendship, she is doing a very good job of showing otherwise.

And so to Binky, who appears to be sat in an empty hair salon, promptly followed by Alex. “You’ve turned me into a miserable, paranoid wreck,” she tells him. “If you’re happiness means me walking away then you have to just tell me,” he replies. COME ON BINKY. EVERYONE IS BEHIND YOU. JUST WALK AWAY.

Louise and Fordy’s date has finally arrived and we can always rely on Sam to get in the way and be overly awkward and cringey. “Banging” is the how he describes their cooking skills. Oh Sam, just leave and stop cock-blocking. It takes her until the very end to confess that she didn’t actually cook the meal herself. She bought the food from a restaurant and served it on her own plates. Cheat!

Lucy and Jamie meet at Stephanie’s leaving party which prompts another round of drama and tears. Jamie informs Lucy that they cannot be friends and they cannot talk to one another as he will never be able to get over her otherwise. Bit harsh. She hits back that his is being “really mean.” He leaves, she cries. Emosh.

It’s even more emotional when Stevie and Stephanie have to say goodbye to each other. It would appear that they have both caught feelings after just the short amount of time they have spent together. Aww Stevie, he must be a great guy.

Mummy Felstead visits Binky for, what she thinks, will be some Mummy loving and excessive cuddles. WRONG. This evening quickly takes a turn for the worse when she accuses her Mum of just being another strong opinion that hasn’t supported her through her troublesome times. Oh Binks, come on. Surely you can’t blame your Mum for Alex’s cheating/orgy antics?!

We finally turn to a stately mansion for the final part of the series. Andy has arranged for out favourite poshos to take a trip to the country and enjoy a short break at what looks to be somewhere that even the Queen wouldn’t be able to afford. This calls for drama after drama (as expected). Riley and Stevie take a walk and rekindle their friendship whilst slagging off Jamie. Jamie’s feeble attempt at a prompted apology is thrown back in his face by Riley and Louise finally bags her kiss with Fordy. YAY!

The moment we've all been waiting for
The moment we’ve all been waiting for

Spenny and Alex have a solemn chat about the possibility of breaking things off with Binky, Jamie admits he spent the night with Lucy and Riley has an awkward breakfast with Lucy after she proposes that maybe she has been leading Jamie on. Uh oh. Spencer and Jamie dream of their trip to New York and about all of the English traits they are going to take with them, such as a cricket bat and a Ralph Lauren polo top. But then all hell breaks loose when Binky and Alex re-enter the scene. Binky approaches Spencer about his solemn chat with Alex and hauls into the limelight Spencer’s morals. Spenny reckons that the rumours of cheating will continue to unfold until Alex addresses the group as a whole… No time like the present!

Romeo and Juliet anyone?
Romeo and Juliet anyone?

In a courtyard with a strange resemblance to a Romeo and Juliet scene, Binky and Alex beg their friends to let them be happy. This sparks fiery responses and one huge shouting match. The distressed couple walk off into the night, never to be seen again until next series. What a finish!

You poshos look after yourselves. We’ll see you in New York!



Made in Chelsea, Series 7 Episode 9 Review

So this week we were greeted with the typical activity for London poshos – diving into ponds in Hampstead Heath. Obviously. But the fresh water clearly knocked some sense into Spenny as he explains to Andy how he has been a “shi*t friend” to Binky, over a spot of diving. Andy being the best friend that he is, kindly responds to Spenny by naming as a “fat Tom Daley.”

Meanwhie, still keeping up the sporting trend is Jamie, Stevie and newbies Edo and Fordy. Boy-chats over a game of basketball accompanied by an uncomfortable amount of backwards caps is clearly the new way to socialise. Stevie describes his unexpected kiss with Stephanie last week as the best he’s had so I think it’s safe to say that Riley is well and truly out of the picture. But not too worry, we can always rely of Jamie to snap up one of his mate’s ex girlfriends. He grabs her number from Stevie (cringe) and persists in arranging this date that was brought to the table at the picnic last week.

Obviously diving into ponds and basketball is not the current state of affairs for our Chelsea girls. They are much more suited to a catch up in Lucy’s office over lunch. Binky begins to tell all on the latest with Alex and shows that despite the numerous cheating scandals, his generous efforts with presents and more presents is starting to win her over. Oh Binks, blinded by love. Lucy and Stephanie are not best pleased by this news which leads to a full blown argument between Lucy and Binky. “You haven’t spoken to me for 5 days,” is the kind of chat that is happening. Come on girls, it’s not primary school. Nevertheless, this escalates and leads to Binky storming out and Steph and Lucy left jaw-dropped.

Back to work after lunch and Riley strolls into the office. Late. Lucy is not best pleased and after hearing the current rumours of her and Jamie’s planned date, she does not hesitate to sack her intern as a result of mingling with her ex. The word jealousy springs to mind, Lucy.

You're fired!
You’re fired!

Spencer takes Binky for dinner in attempt to rekindle their friendship. The whole “I’m sorry for being an a**ehole” spiel manages to win Binky back after part-taking in the infamous orgy with boyfriend/ex boyfriend (we’re not quite sure). Meanwhile, Jamie finally gets his way with his drink date with Riley. Their conversation seemed to be flowing smoothly after she described him as a chihuahua. Interesting first date chat.

Dinner with Spencer wins Binky over
Dinner with Spencer wins Binky over

In true Chelsea fashion, the epsiode’s ending comes with a party. Or pardy should I say. This doesn’t fail to unveil a whole load of drama and what better way to start than by Alex entering the room, in the same outfit as Spenny. He confronts Mytton about shifting the blame onto his shoulders as a way of winning back Binks but, seriously, they’ve practically had sex with each other so there is not really any point in arguing about whose fault it is.

Riley makes it clear that she has chosen Jamie over her job after they share a sneaky smooch. Lucy and Stephanie continue the jaw-drop facial expression and the girls congregate to discuss their feelings towards Binky’s friendship loyalties. Cheska, Fran both agree with Lucy that she has begun to ditch her gal pals as a way of getting back with Alex and, as expected, Cheska starts crying after realising that she is ‘losing’ her best friend. Coincidently Binky joins this chat and confronts Lucy with a few home truths, “the world does not revolve around you, Lucy.” Louise and Cheska try to step in and smooth things over but Binky is having none of it and snarls at them too.  “Go f*ck yourself,” was the mouthful Cheska got. Ouch. When will these poshos learn.

Where has the year gone?

So today we hit the first day of the sixth month. June 1st. This means we are officially half way through 2014 already! It seems like only yesterday that it was time to take down all the Christmas decorations and finally throw away the left over turkey. But it has,  in fact, been a whole six months. Where has the year gone?

As we officially enter the summer season, which is slightly questionable due to the lack of ‘summer’ weather, it’s time to start planning your summer antics and an unofficial summer bucket list. For us students, being at University means that this time of year is exam season. Life is full steam ahead all the time, so I for one am looking forward to June (well from the middle onwards that is!)

With it being half way through the year, it is a good opportunity to reflect on all of your new years resolutions and see how many, if any, you actually managed stick to! Was this year your year to get that slender bikini body? Was 2014 your chance to start something new? Well, have you done it? And if the answer is no, which don’t worry, I’m sure you’re not the only one, then now is a good time to start. You’ve got exactly half a year before you have to think of something else for your 2015 new years resolution!

Now, for June, the weather is just not acceptable for most of us. It’s touch and go as to whether we are actually able to dig out the summer clothes. Obviously for some more daring people, they won’t let a few clouds and a bit of rain stop them from flaunting their summer clothes. Let’s just hope it brightens up soon so we can head down to the beach, walk to the local park and enjoy ice creams without feeling like an ice cube!

The joys of being British!