Category Archives: Lifestyle

Age is just a number?

Birthdays can go one of two ways: you can either embrace the age that you now are by celebrating with the people around you, or you can drown your sorrows as you’re slowly getting older, again with the people around you. Either way it’s a day you’ll remember – or not as the case may be!

But there is so much more to getting older and growing up than you think. There are unwritten expectations that you subtly have to adopt without realising. This post it particularly relevant to me as I officially left my teenage years this weekend and reached that age where you can’t be excused for childish mannerisms like you used to.

The question people always ask you on your birthday is “So, do you feel any different?” and I don’t know about you, but at the time you really don’t feel any different. You wake up in the morning and it’s all very exciting, but that’s just because you know the day is going to be celebratory in some way or another. There is nothing that hits you like a tonne of bricks, ensuring that you know you’re now a year older. Often it’s not until a few days after that you realise that you’ve got to act your age more. There will be something that happens, or things to expect that set you back into the reality that you’re not a child any more.


Leaving University is usually a big one for the twenties. Moving back home with a huge, ongoing debt and the adjustment back into ‘real life’. And often the realisation of “What the hell am I going to do with my life now?” It’s not as easy as everyone thinks to just go and get a job, but something got to change because you’re not a child anymore!

Maybe you’ll be asked to do something that you’ve never done before, you’ll take on a new role that requires the adult within you to speak out and slowly it’ll become part of your normal life, but it’s hard to get your head around in terms of not being a teenager anymore. What is expected of me now?! Even when you’re having one of those days, you now to to successfully deal with life’s ups and downs alone.

So if you’ve entered into the decade of your twenties already, or if you’re due to make the transition, have you’re wits about your when it comes to doing things differently and see if you can notice that change between your teenage years and now. After all, you are getting on a bit!

The Beauty in Beauty Pageants

When it’s time for you to make you’re own decisions in life, there are some that you expect more than others: What outfit shall I wear today? What do I want for dinner tonight? Should I buy this? But there are some decisions that you come across that you have to take a chance and decide what to do based solely on what you think as an individual. And this post is really an account of a decision that someone very close to me had to make.

As a fashion student, having an interest in clothes and latest trends is a given, and somewhat compulsory. The Birmingham Clothes Show is the perfect opportunity for people, such as her, to attend and gain an insight into all things fashion. From make-up stands, to catwalks, to model scouting, it’s every fashion student’s dream! You can spend the day indulging in luxury and delight – maybe I should tag along next year!

Clothes Show Live 2015: Birmingham
Clothes Show Live 2015: Birmingham

So what am I rambling on about, you may ask? First about decisions, now Fashion Shows? Well yes, exactly that. This someone that I am talking about is my best friend. She was scouted at the show by the Miss England representatives, and asked if she wanted to enter the competition for her local region, London. Now, decisions such as this can come with a lot of controversy. Beauty pageants are associated with a lot of negative stigma and can be frowned upon by many, and in some cases, I believe this to be true. But when I say this, I’m talking about the parents that force their children into walking a catwalk in a fancy frock, caked in make up, looking like a clown in drag – it’s just unnecessary.

Miss England
Miss England

However, after much deliberation and research into these competitions, I came to realise that in fact, as an adult, you have so much more of a choice. A choice to take part, a choice on what you do, and a choice on how personal or over-the-top you make it. Beauty pageants can be so much more than looking pretty and feeling great about yourself. Whilst, these two factors are always an added bonus, it takes a lot of confidence and self-esteem to put yourself into a situation like this and compete with other contestants. Really when you think about it logically, there is no difference between something like this and entering your local gymnastics competition at school. So why is there so much negative press? You’re there competing with people that have the same goals and intentions as you, yet if anything, this requires a whole lot more focus?

Along with confidence, there is the need for hard work. Finding a sponsorship, adhering to certain standards and being fully committed to the event can become fairly time consuming when you’re balancing this with Uni work. Promotion and support from family and friends was the way in which she gained a sponsorship – PoshParties will be seeing her through the Miss London process. There is also hard work involved in body image, and this is where beauty pageants can get there bad name. The requirements to look a certain way and be of a certain size are factored into this, but are not compulsory. In more cases than one, it is through the choice of the individual that attention to their body image is paid, as this can help boost confidence and determination to succeed in the competition.

Beauty with a Purpose
Beauty with a Purpose

Now, charity work is not something that you would first associate with beauty pageants, yet it actually plays a big role in the entire process. ‘Beauty with a Purpose‘ is the main charity that coincides with the Miss England etc. pageants. Money that is raised is donated to children and adults across the entire globe that are in need of aid, or facing neglect. Since 1972, ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ has been at the heart of every Miss World competition and will continue to do so in coming years. Contestants show a passion for helping others and a desire to meet and share experiences with other people across the world. So whilst you might not think that being part of something like this has any benefit to anyone other than yourself, there are so many people that are grateful for the support that is associated with these pageants – I told you it wasn’t all bad!

So, I’ve told you her story and I’ve told you why there is so much more to beauty pageants, so I should probably tell you why I’m writing this. Jo Carey is my best friend, and I want you to support her in her Miss London journey just as much as I am. As I said to start with, making decisions can be fairly tough at times but if you stick by it and work at it, then who can fault you? No one can.

Jo Carey, Miss London Finalist 2015
Jo Carey, Miss London Finalist 2015

If you want to follow Jo’s journey more closely, she has recently set herself up a blog to record her journey and experiences. I know she would be so appreciative of any support and if you take nothing else from this post, be sure to understand that there is so much more to beauty pageants than meets the eye – weren’t you ever told to not believe everything you read?

Behind the Studs and Socials

Womens rugby – what is your first thought? A game for butch lesbians, man-hating feminists? Loud-mouthed girls that like to charge about the rugby pitch? It’s okay, I know you were thinking it, and you’re not the only one. It’s the stereotype. It’s the way we’re trained to think and feel towards such sports. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not insinuating that it’s an elegant game that consists of prancing about the pitch, with a few cat fights here and there, but the real point is, it doesn’t fit the stereotype like you imagine it to.

Living at University with 3 girls that took rugby up as a new sport, I thought it would be in my best interests to watch a home game to see what it’s all really like. And as well as acting as the supportive parent on the sideline, I was intrigued to know whether the game lived up to the stigma that derives from the media.


So we turned up to the pitch where they were playing, and I won’t lie I expected at least one chest pump, or hefty thump on the back – but apparently not. Dressed head to toe in their matching kit, the girls filed out into their pre-match training session, whilst I sorted my spot on the side line (a fair few metres back – I was wearing a nice coat, okay!). And so it begins, passing drills, running drills, practise scrums and team talks – all fairly standard procedures that you would expect before a match in any sport.

Game play was much the same, and as you would expect in a rugby match from any sex. Tactics and code words, rolling around on the floor at times (I’m still not sure if this was intentional or not) and team spirit, all the essential ingredients for a team sport. If someone needs help, there’s a body ready and waiting. If the opposition are close to scoring, approaching each tackle with 100% – it’s your basic strategy, really.

First of all, I’m not trying to say that this is fitting for every female rugby team, but it has been proven that playing rugby does not ‘make you gay’. There are just as many homosexual women in everyday life, as there are in everyday rugby. So why the butch lesbian hype? It’s just easy, I suppose. Rugby requires sheer strength and your body can take a serious hounding, but that’s why you train, surely?

However, there is no amount of training that can prepare you for injury. And playing a sport, like rugby, injuries are bound to incur. Saying this, little did I expect to see 2 out of my 3 house-mates laying on the pitch with paramedics surrounding them. Head collision, an unfortunately common occurrence in rugby, but it does come as a bit of a shock when it’s the majority of who you have come to watch and support! Nevertheless, the paramedics did their job and A&E gave them the once over, so nothing too serious apart from a headache – but they should be used to that after the socials! It’s situations like this that give rugby the masculinity, I think. What girl wants to be thrown around and head-butted so hard that they nearly lose consciousness? Not many voluntarily, but it’s a part of what you sign up for!


So, I’m sat here trying to tell you that not all rugby girls fit into this stereotypical image that you have in your head, but one thing you can’t cover up is their ability to shout and motivate each other. “B, what? BU!,” they would shout repeatedly after a try was scored (Bournemouth Uni that stands for). And the facial expressions could say a whole different story when it comes to aggressiveness, but realistically it’s getting in the team spirit and putting your heart and soul into the game you’re playing. Wouldn’t you?

Team socials are much the same as you would expect, so I’m told. Celebrating a winning success by forcing one another to drink copious amounts of alcohol – how charming! But there is always the comradery that you would, perhaps, forget. Fancy dress themes ranging from Disney characters to whatever you can find in a charity shop. The first word that springs to mind is “WTF!” rather than “raging lesbian”.

So whilst this is, honestly, a matter of opinion and self experience, it is important to recognise that not everything is as you expect it to be. I stood on the sideline for the match’s entirety with my SLR camera, acting as team photographer. I felt proud at what I was watching. These girls are passionate about the sport that they play, and each and every one of them has a reason to be there – they’re actually really good (final score 19-0 to us, just saying!) And whilst I’ll always be slightly biased towards my closest friends, and obviously my University team, it made me think beyond what female rugby players are stereotyped to be like.

Fifty Shades of Grey: Film Review

Fifty Shades of Grey. Need I say anymore? We all know what it is, we all know what it means and we all know what it’s about. But to be clear, it’s the overly-erotic, modern day sex-life masterpiece that has evolved from the E.L. James novel trilogy. It is not something that I thought, at first, I would be spending my Valentines Day watching, but when you’re a single girl and have a number of other single friends, you can’t really help but throw yourself at the occasion and forget about the overly commercialised day of love.

We all know the ’50 Shades’ craze began ever since the fantasy fiction hit our bookshelves in 2011 and the buzz reached fever pitch in 2013 after the endless speculation as to who would play the bondage-loving millionaire, Christian Grey. Having not read the books myself, I wondered if I would have regretted watching the film before wading through the lengthy volume of pornographic waffle, but it appears that was not the case (to an extent).

E.L. James Best Selling Novel
E.L. James Best Selling Novel

For those of you that are not novices on the whole Fifty Shades of Grey saga, the basic plot is as follows. College student, Anastasia Steele conducts an interview with the mysteriously charming, youthful billionaire, Christian Grey. After endless seduction and flirtation, Mr Grey finds his love (sex) interest in Anastasia which is soon discovered to be a love for bondage and discipline. In the infamous words of Rihanna, chains and whips certainly do excite him. But there’s a catch! Mysterious Grey wants the entire relationship to be based on the role of him as the ‘dominate’ inflicting sexual pain on the ‘submissive’ (Anastasia). Essentially, the entire film is Steele’s struggle as to whether to accept this relationship, mixed with copious amounts of sexual activity.

After queueing like sardines in the cinema foyer and being handed free packets of love hearts (sympathy card for being single of Valentines day, it’s okay, we get it), I, along with what felt like 5,000 other people scuttled into the cinema screen with huge anticipation and expectations as to what was about to flash before me.

First of all, the intent with Anastasia’s role is that she is your innocent, girl-next-door kind of character that gets seduced by this big-time millionaire. However, I felt that Dakota Johnson (Anastasia Steele) was portrayed as nervous and hesitant in most scenes, which is not the main purpose for her character. The role was played in a very one dimensional way and made the supposedly deeper scenes seem somewhat comedic. On the other hand, there is the ever sought after, Christian Grey. With his tousled beard and muscular build, Jamie Dornan is a precise physical match for the fantasy-hottie that people have been waiting to see.


Something I really enjoyed was the film’s underlying comedic angle. The awkward and cringey dialogue made the scenes a little more light-hearted and comical to watch. Even if this is not the first intention of the scene, the film embraces this goofiness with ease. There are a number of symbols that attempt to be subtle and sublime, yet they just end up being hilariously cheesy, and parts of the foreplay are more of a playground act. For example, towards the beginning of the film Christian gives Anastasia a pencil, to which she proceeds to seductively bite. I mean, I’m sorry, but if that is there idea of pleasure then you can count me out!

From a cinematographic and technical point of view, I thought that whilst some parts of the film were shot with too much similarity, the creativity and ability to shoot the scenes of sexual nature was done with class (if you can call it that). The nature of this plot line meant that viewers desired the deeper, pornographic style to the film and this is what they got – to an extent. Whilst nudity was present and Anastasia’s body was filmed in abstract ways to add further intimacy, there are times that I think people would have expected to ‘see more’. The use of music also played to the film’s advantage and is something that adds to that goosebump effect, especially as he whisks her away in a helicopter ride (Okay, maybe a little bit jealous!).

The apartment, the play room, the decor was everything that you could ever imagine it to be. The sleek, white interior of the apartment with the circling staircase and grand piano – it’s all the same. And the play room, well it’s like a painted picture. Four-post bed covered in red leather and red cushions? Check. Leather, wood, polish scent? Check. Deep, dark burgundy walls? Check. Sex toys, iron grids and handcuffs? Plenty. This is one element of the entire film that cannot be criticised for it’s similarity to the book.

Despite the film’s explicit sexual nature, there have been a number of criticisms that the film promotes sexual violence. Whilst this is a valid point to make, I think that it is important to remember that the idea of the film is to portray a modern-day replication of a bondage fantasy. In other words, what were you expecting?! There are no points in the film, where Anastasia does not give her consent, and at the time she calls her safe words, Grey retracts from further engagement. I believe that with regards to this element, the film is technically sound and the submissive is reminded of the fact that she does not have to continue on a regular basis (maybe too much?!).


So, a final verdict? Can we come to one? Has it turned out to be the enticing, worldwide phenomenon that everyone predicted, or is it simply a somewhat successful replication of a sexually explicit, forever-desiring fantasy fiction that we will continue to read and love? I think the latter is more prominent, but the real answer is this. Go and see the film if you want soft-core pornographic fun for all the family, minus the children of course (it is an 18!). If you’re after something a bit more ‘hard-core’, then I would advise you stick to your computer and if you’re simply wanting to find out what all the hype is about, then give it watch – it’s only a moderately raunchy/kinky adaptation of the book that you’ve already read!

And if you’ve been to see it already, comment below what your thoughts are!

10 Anti-Valentines Day cards for those of us boycotting February 14th

It really doesn’t matter how hard to try to avoid Valentines Day, it’s been littering the shops and internet since Christmas passed, and there really is no escape. But it’ll be here tomorrow, along with the endless red bouquets, PDAs, soppy cards and chocolates that no one wants to eat because they’re ‘trying to be good’. Social media will be plastered with countless photos and lovey-dovey messages that really nobody cares about, and all you want to do is hide away with a pizza – it’s okay, we get it.

So for those of us that are allergic to romance and if the thought of Valentines Day makes your stomach turn, then I’ve been searching for some of the more meaningful cards that you can send this Saturday (after all, it’s just another day).

I told you, it’s a lot easier for one of these to take your fancy, isn’t it?!

Forget having a nice dinner, forget having an over-priced bunch of roses that are bound to die after a few days. You never wanted to enjoy a box of chocolates, or to have a giant hole in your bank balance anyway. Just get the girls (or boys) round for a nice LARGE glass of wine and watch a cringey, girly film and reminisce about every Valentines card that you’ve never received…

… you’re welcome!

The Grammys 2015: What were they thinking?

When it comes to celebrities in daring outfits, you can usually rely on a set few to never disappoint. However, there is always a line and this time it might have just been crossed! Last night was host to the annual red carpet event, the Grammys. Celebrity stars out in force, dripping head to toe in glamour .. Well that’s the case for some, anyway!

We’ve moved on from the days of Lady Gaga and her meat dresses, it’s now a case of step aside and make way for Joy Villa as she paraded the red carpet in what looks like an outfit made from orange fencing. Erm, okay? The recording artist and part time model appeared nude underneath her layers of orange plastic, and even used the remaining to create a classic hair ensemble. Now, I’m not sure whether she was trying to be environmentally friendly with her outfit choice, or whether it was simply a case of en route traffic so she had to make do with what was around, but either way, it is an outright red carpet fail. Nevertheless, she seemed to be glowing (literally) in her frock and worked a gorgeous Hollywood smile.

I hope she asked to borrow that fencing!
I hope she asked to borrow that fencing!

Now, its not always a surprise when we see Rihanna in a daring and somewhat shocking outfit, however this year’s awards saw RiRi dressed head to toe, in what looks like, a pink wedding cake. She always looks gorgeous in whatever she is wearing, but the fact that she had to reserve three seats in order to sit down, makes me think that maybe this is a bit extravagant. I mean, imagine trying to go to the toilet in that! That’s a recipe for.. disaster (not the wedding cake!)

Anyone for some cake?
Anyone for some cake?

And finally, it’s taken her a while to gain her success, but she certainly hit the jackpot with ‘Chandeliar’. That’s right, Sia Furler has unfortunately made it to the awful red carpet outfits list. This time its more a case of the accessories, rather than the actual outfit itself. The singer arrived at the red carpet wearing the biggest white wig that you will have ever seen – so much so, that she couldn’t even see where she was walking, hence the mini-me dancer by her side. Don’t get me wrong, each to their own, but going to the extreme of not being able to see and carrying a replica woolly sheep on your head is one way to grab yourself some attention!


All in all, the Grammy’s was a huge success. Sam Smith stole the show with a whopping 4 awards, Kanye West made it quite clear that Beyonce should’ve won the award for best album, as opposed to Beck, and Pharrell Williams walked away happy after picking up an award for best solo performance.

50 Shades of… Pink

It’s that time of year again when we like to start thinking about a new Spring/Summer wardrobe. And despite the torturous cold that doesn’t seem to want to leave, the seasons are certainly changing in stores. This year it is all about the pink; from pastels to bright bold colours, it’s time to sprinkle a little pink on your wardrobe.

Pink Sensation at Topshop

Topshop is always a trusty friend when it comes to finding something on trend to wear – and this Spring collection certainly isn’t any different. It might be that you’re lucky enough to be needing a bikini or one piece costume for that bit of tropical sun, and if so there is plenty of pink to feast your eyes on in the swimwear department. But as you can see, it’s more than just a skimpy swimsuit on offer. Jeans, dresses; dress them up, dress them down. Either way, make sure you’re dressing in them!

Quirky Pinks at River Island

Known for something a bit out there and potentially a bit more edgy, River Island have played their cards right with a gorgeous pink collection for us. Probably the most versatile range for this upcoming season. Cigarette trousers for the office days, leather pencil skirts for the weekend nights out, and casual wraps for when you just need that bit of extra warmth. Aww, thanks River Island!


Now for a collection that offers a predominantly more casual set of options. Roll necks and printed sweaters a thing of the winter? Definitely not, bring them with you into these early months of the year as its clear that we might not be seeing any sunshine for a short while! Match a simple dress with a contrasting back and a statement necklace and you’ll be the dazzling sunshine that everyone is missing.

So forget about the snow that’s forecast and pretend that you don’t need to buy any more de-icer, feast your eyes on something new and let your wardrobe do the talking for 2015.

Top 5 Weekend Travel Destinations

January is a tough month for us all. Still stuck in the realms of the Christmas break and so fed up of the English weather, but in fact, now is the perfect time to set yourself something to look forward to – a weekend getaway. Whether it is something that you fancy at the end of the month (after exams maybe?), or a summer break so you are guaranteed for some sunshine, either way now is the perfect time to book something up.

But where should you go? Well coincidently enough, I have been looking at weekend breaks with my housemates at University, so it only seems right that I give a little taste of where we’ve been looking and the Top 5 Weekend Destinations.


Paris, France

Paris is so much more than the ‘city of love’, there is so much more that you can get out of Paris than a romantic weekend away. Of course, if that is what you’re after then don’t let me stop you, but Paris is the top destination for weekend breaks and I couldn’t agree more! Personally, Paris is somewhere that I have visited a number of times, but it is one of those places that will give you a new experience every time you go. So a few sights to tick of the list: obviously the Eiffel Tower is a given, the Sacre Coeur or Notre Dame and even take a boat trip down the River Seine. The capital of France really is the home to some stunning sights.


Barcelona, Spain

Spain’s second city – although I wouldn’t let the locals here you say that! It’s the home of architecture and the hub for some of the most famous attractions. Gaudi’s La Sagrada Familia, La Pedrera are just a couple of the more well-known master pieces, but there is so much more to offer other than a bit of sunny weather! A busy city, famous for Las Rambalas and home to FC Barcelona (if that’s something that takes your fancy!) This is another place that I have been lucky enough to visit myself so believe me when I say don’t forget to taste the culture through the iconic tapas selections and enjoy some of the traditional Spanish nightlife, aka. Flamenco dancing!


Prague, Czech Republic

Now, correct me if I am wrong, but Prague is definitely a destination that has become more popular over the past 10-15 years as a holiday destination. The Czech capital appears to have become one of the busiest cities in Europe and is home to some of the most beautiful stone buildings. Prague is certainly somewhere to set your eyes on and easy to cram many sights into one weekend. Despite the cold weather at times, there is always a Czech beer to keep you on your toes.

Colosseum, Rome

Rome, Italy

Pizza, Pasta and the home to some of the most incredible food in the world, Rome is a city that is packed with the most historic sites in the world. Famous for the Roman heritage of the Colosseum, the Pantheon and the Forum, Rome draws crowds all year round to see its wealth of ancient history. But going away for the weekend is not all about the history. There are a few things that need to be ticked off the bucket list. Firstly, you must throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain (just like they did in The Lizzie McGuire movie) and you have to visit a restaurant for the calorific pizza and pasta dishes.


Dublin, Ireland

And finally, a city not so far from home. Dublin is the place where party meets culture, and is the perfect spot for a few dreamy Irish accents. Probably most appealing for its bars and lively nightlife, you can’t visit Dublin without visiting an Irish bar and being fronted with a pint of Guinness (whether you choose to drink it or not, that’s up to you!) You might not think it, but Dublin is actually a perfect place for shopping and is home to one of the most popular rugby teams. An all-rounder in terms of cities to visit – it must be the luck of the Irish!

So why not treat yourself? Get together with a few friends and send yourselves away on a weekend getaway. Set a budget so you don’t go too overboard, everyone knows what you’re like once you’ve had a drink (or four!), escape the cold weather and be free of the January gloom!

Procrastination is good?

Procrastination. The art of doing nothing. Well doing nothing until you absolutely have to do something – but we’ll leave the minor details.

It’s the things you do to avoid the other things that you actually should be doing, and we are all guilty of it. Whether you should be writing an assignment, revising for an exam, doing the washing up or simply making a phone call; each and every person in this world is victim of procrastination at some point in their life (or day). Granted, some adopt the task more commonly than others, but it’s something that plays with us all.

But what if I were to tell you that procrastination is good? It’s good to do something else, instead of what you should be doing? Now don’t slate it, but an American University Professor has conducted some research into the art of procrastination, and the results are there to please us all. According to these findings, procrastination should be addressed as the art of ‘managing delay’ and that is supposedly a good thing.

wait book
Frank Partnoy: Wait

Managing delay is an important tool for human beings. It makes us happier, healthier and more successful when we are doing things on our own accord, rather than when we think we should be doing them. So whilst there is usually a deadline, a little procrastination here and there is no harm to anyone. But there is a little twist on this happy ever after (as always), the study also states that procrastination is only good for you when you are doing to right type of procrastination. There’s different types, you may say? Don’t worry, I’m on your wavelength too. As far as I was aware, anything that is not what I was meant to be doing is procrastination – but apparently not. Breathing and staring into space are thought to be a good form of delay as they give you the time to think and process the task that you should actually be undertaking. So maybe it’s time to ditch that share bag of Doritos that you just picked up!

Therefore, if you’re like me, sitting and thinking of something that you can do instead of that work you should be doing, then maybe you shouldn’t feel so bad about it. After all, I am writing this blog when I should be writing a 3000 word essay. Happy days!


Frank Partnoy is the American Professor. And if you’re interested, his book is conveniently called Wait: The Useful Art of Procastination. 

Cara Delevingne’s at it again!

Now it doesn’t take a lot to realise that almost everything Cara Delevingne touches, tries, does, looks at, becomes a success. So it’s no surprise that her third collection was released this week at Topshop. The brow heavy model flashes us, with what could be, her best collection yet.

We might just possibly be totally over the cold, winter weather now and up for some Spring/Summer specials and Cara has put that right on a plate for us. How kind. There is no better way to embrace Spring than with a new wardrobe.

So the collection contains a number of different looks, all pared back and minimal. Smooth. Its a serious case of attention to detail here. The mellow colour schemes are showing us a palette of white, black, khaki and denim-blue. But she hasn’t left it all so Plain Jane, Cara has taken a trip back to the 70s with a number of flared jeans and whacky prints bringing out your inner hippy. And it wouldn’t be a Topshop collection without a LBD, would it? Of course not. So panic not, there sounds like there is something for everyone to flaunt once the wretched coldness takes it’s 6 month vacation (if we’re lucky).

Christmas has passed and the time for buying for loved ones is over. If you haven’t hit the sales yet then, well, you’ve probably missed the best of it because we’re down to the scraps that no one really wants, or can really fit into. So it’s time to splash out and treat yourself to something from this new drop. Remember, a little retail therapy never hurt anyone!

But you best hurry with this because I can almost guarantee that there will be a high demand for this. With all pieces available at Topshop from £10-£110, there really is no point in wasting your time. Try beating me to the till because I quite fancy some new denim.. and the LBD wouldn’t go a miss either!