Tag Archives: student life

Do I look Superhuman?

The first semester at University is promptly coming to a close and for some, the Christmas break has already begun. But for those of you (including me) that are still bogged down with work and assignment deadlines, you’ve just got to think that there is only one more week to go!

It seems to be that as soon as you begin University, there are not enough hours in the day, enough days in the week or enough weeks in the month. There is just never enough time and always something that you should be running around for or frantically completing with minutes to spare. But that’s just the way it goes.

Being a journalism student, we are always on the go. There is always a story to write, or a feature to prepare for or someone who wants your attention – and most of the time it’s all 3 at once! Do lecturers think we are superhuman? I’m sure that if the roles were reversed and we set them 3 deadlines in the space of one week, they wouldn’t be so laid back and chilled out about the length of their to-do list! But being organised is key and quite possibly the only way that you will achieve each of these deadlines with some ease – I said some. I know for me, personally, it has got to a point where my to-do lists are constructed on a daily basis and they each start with “Wake up”. You would think that its common sense and not necessary for a list, but it helps!

Christmas is a busy time of year for everyone, being a student, being a parent, being a teacher, being a doctor. Everyone wants something from you at Christmas time. But why is it not spread evenly throughout the year? Let’s face it, unless you’re the Prime Minister of a country, there is at least one point in the year where things are ‘quiet’ and a little less stressful (although, I’m not sure if the PM is the best example for this now, considering some recent political decisions – but we’ll save that for another day!).

So I suppose that whilst I’m rambling on, the underlying message here is that I’m stressed, and I know you’re probably stressed too. But there is light at the end of tunnel, one week to go and we will be saying goodbye to the first semester. If it means that you have a few late ones because you’re up most of the night working, that’s okay – you won’t be the only one! And so, the more you knuckle down into each assignment deadline, the closer you are to a visit from Santa (that’s dependant on your results though!)

And breathe.