How to Spend 5 Days in Barcelona

Barcelona. The home of Gaudi and an extremely beautiful city. After just returning from a 5 day city break away (hence why there has been a lack of blogging!), I thought I would take this as an opportunity to show off some of the beautiful sights of sunny Barcelona. Whether you’ve visited the city before or not, there is always something new to see.

La Pedrera 

One of Gaudi’s most famous architectural pieces is in the heart of Barcelona. An ensemble of exquisite, unique sculptures are arranged on the roof terrace of this building. Walking around makes you seem like you are in an imaginary world. It is something out of the ordinary. Being one of the most famous artists in Barcelona, this is what attracts large volumes of visitors and tourists to witness his work. Unfortunately on my visit, the front of the building was boarded up for cleaning as maintaining the appearance of these buildings is a key part of the process. Nevertheless, the view and sights from the roof terrace certainly made-up for it.

Parc de la Ciutadella

A vast expanse of beauty located just off the streets of Barcelona. Gaudi also made his stamp here by masking the most beautiful fountain in the centre of the park. The famous Cascada Fountain was built when he was an architecture student and is still to this day, the main feature of the park. We took a Rickshaw (one of those bikes which you sit on the front of and have someone take you on a tour of the city) to the park and got to see the majority of it’s beauty. Quite famously, there is a zoo located within the park’s ground that is home to dolphins and other animals. Although we didn’t visit the zoo, the park itself is enough to fill your day.

Harbour Cable Car

A 1450 metre harbour aerial tramway starts at the beach and takes you right through the city. The view from the car is just something else and you are able to absorb the city’s beauty on a wider scale.  It’s not something for the faint-hearted as your journey begins with a lift ride to the top of the tower, which you are then ushered forward onto the car fairly swiftly.I wasn’t such a fan of the long queues but it was definitely worth the wait once your thousands of feet up in the air.

La Sagrada Familia

An ongoing masterpiece inspired by Gaudi’s design and architecture. Even in it’s unfinished state, it is one of the most visited buildings in the world. The cathedral is due to be finished in 2026, the 100th anniversary of Gaudi’s death. Inside the building, currently, you are greeted with dumper trucks and cranes but the design of the ceilings and walls are enough to absorb in one visit. The exterior is also something of a Gaudi masterpiece: individual sculptures and wall art spill over the entire outer of the building.

Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria

Located off la Rambla is this market, fairly well known across Barcelona. The sights, sounds and smells within the market are amazing. Row upon row of different things for you to buy. From fruit to fish, everything was arranged and present in such an organised, vibrant manner that is a treat for your eyes. You need to be prepared to deal with the hustle and bustle of this crowded atmosphere as it is one of the more touristy areas of Barcelona, but nevertheless, its definitely a must-see.

There are so many other landmarks and places that you can visit whilst in Barcelona, and the beaches are just another to start you off. One thing to remember is that, compared to the UK, the Spaniard’s pace is a lot slower. Therefore dinner isn’t until 9pm, so make sure you fill yourself up around breakfast and lunchtime as there won’t be anyone about during the afternoon to make you something as this is time for a siesta. Now get to sleep!




Made in Chelsea Series 7, Episode 4 Review

After last week’s shock revelations of Alex’s cheating scandal, there was no surprise that this week was going to be a tear jerker – get the tissues ready girls!

At what seemed like a slight anti-climax at the beginning of the episode, Binky made the decision to fly to New York for a few days with her Mum and sister. Despite desperately wanting to get through the cheating, heart breaking situation, Binky was sure to flee the city in the hope to clear her head. But don’t worry, she comes back later on in the episode.

Meanwhile, much to audience shock, Louise and Spencer take a nice shopping trip together (yes, just the two of them). The newly reformed BFFs seemed to be getting along just fine, so much so that Spencer even invited his “Porg” (Person of Restricted Growth) to lunch with him and his new love interest, Emma Miller. Louise certainly didn’t hold back when it came to telling Emma the kind of boyfriend Spencer is and the extent of his unfaithful ways. That sure is one way to get your own back!

Now, everyone knows Stevie for his chilled out, laid back kind of personality – he’s not one to get too involved with the weekly Chelsea dramas. However, he found himself in the centre of the ring during this week’s episode. After being the first person to reveal the possibility of Alex’s cheating, and being the first person to supposedly be aware of the female culprit, the rest of the boys made it their responsibility to make Stevie aware that he should have warned Alex that if he was not to own up/explain the rumours to Binky, then Cheska (or any of the other girls) will be more than happy to do so. And as a matter of fact, Alex was confronted by Lucy on her walk home from a bar. Living up to her fiery, don’t-mess-with-me attitude, she was sure to annihilate him and grill him of his actions.

Remember Stephanie Pratt? One of Spencer’s ex-flings. The American one. Well she’s back in London whilst travelling Europe with her muscular, model ‘friend’ (he’s called Eric). Now ever since her and Lucy have become the best of friends, and joined at the hip through the powers of technology, Watson was the first person that she saw after landing in the UK. A minor detail which later opens a whole can of worms, is that nobody is aware of her visit (uh oh, this is only going to end badly). Rosie hosts a black tie ball, featuring Mark Francis and his signature Waltz, which Lucy and Stephanie chose to use as their opportunity to drop the bombshell of her whereabouts. Obviously everyone is at this party, including Spencer and Emma Miller. Dressed in her finest ball gown, she enters the venue with a classic Chelsea one-liner, “Hey ass-hole”. Spencer’s face was a picture. The sheer shock to have a considerable number of ex-girlfriends/flings in the same room was almost too much for him to handle – especially when Stephanie gave him the grilling that she did. Spencer was left gawping, with not a clue in the world where to look, what to say, let alone what to do (first time for everything!)

Stephanie gives Spencer the grilling he deserves
Stephanie gives Spencer the grilling he deserves

Simultaneously, Binky arrives home from New York and finally plucks up the courage to have her dreaded meeting with love-rat, Alex. He mumbles a whole bunch of nothing and begins to weep so it’s left to Binky to get loud, angry and explain how much of a coward he is. “He should be the one grovelling.” It’s hard to not agree with her but it looks as though he is looking for an easy way out. However something tells me this is not the last we’ll see of these two.


Made in Chelsea Series 7, Episode 3 Review

So after last week’s bland(ish) plot line, this week certainly cranked it up a notch. It’s London Fashion Week and Mark Francis is in his element. Much to his despair, Binky’s lack of interest and enthusiasm towards fashion was definitely put to the test whilst watching the model’s parade up and down the cat walk – one of which was Emma Miller, last week’s fresh face and Spencer’s new love interest.

Binky, Louise and Mark Francis at London Fashion Week
Binky, Louise and Mark Francis at London Fashion Week

Everyone’s favourite, Binky’s Mum Jane, met up for a secret coffee and ‘catch up’ to discuss the cheating rumours. Whilst Binky was unaware of this, her and Louise also met up for coffee to discuss last week’s most exciting part, the single’s dinner party. It would appear that Chelsea’s newest dating partners are soon to be Robbo and Louise (that’s if Alex and Binky have their way).

Meanwhile Spencer, a man of many good ideas (hmm), organised a double date with Emma, Jamie, and Emma’s friend Victoria Gucci (yes, some relation of the founder of Gucci but far too complex to explain). To be expected, this turned out to be somewhat awkward and disastrous, but nevertheless, Jamie turned up to Lucy’s birthday party with an unexpected plus one the next day (Victoria) and Spencer took Emma for a more sophisticated meal for two. This also backfrired on Spenny after confessing his true feelings for Emma led to the ultimate pie on her behalf – I’m not sure if Spencer has ever been rejected in such a hostile situation!

So as Binky and Alex push past all the cheating rumours and their matchmaking skills are in full swing with Louise and Robbo, Cheska is informed of some shocking information which is set to break Binky and Alex apart forever. Before the cosy nights of double dates are under-way, Cheska struggles to find a way to tell Binky the news that is sure to break her heart. Uh oh, we all know what this is going to be…

…Yes, you’ve got it, he’s a cheat. Inside information meant that Cheska was able to find out who the girl was and where exactly this happened. And where better to drop the bombshell than at Lucy’s birthday party. The dreaded “Can I talk to you in private?” made an appearance and Binky instantly broke down. But can we blame her? Alex was the trustworthy one, the one we had our hopes up for. In true Chelsea fashion, it didn’t take long before Alex was on the scene and questioned why his girlfriend was beside herself. Is he stupid? Obviously he knows what is the matter.

Well it didn’t take long for him to come clean (almost) and try to excuse himself by stating that he has had nights where he ‘doesn’t remember anything’. He was soon to clear Cheska from the scene and attempted to comfort Binky – of which she was having none of it (you go, girl!) As usual, a dramatic ending is always necessary and we can always count on Binky with her one- liners. Even in a time of frustration, upset and anger she manages to come out with, “You don’t remember putting your dick in someone else?”

It takes a lot to compose yourself as well as Binky did, so it continues to raise the question, how could you Alex? Who would cheat on Binky?


Is there such thing as too much chocolate?

With the Easter bunny just a couple of days away, there’s no doubt we’ll wake up to an abundance of chocolate on Sunday morning just waiting to be eaten. Easter eggs from your parents, from your Grandma, from your Auntie, from your neighbours, from your friends – can you really eat all this chocolate? Don’t get me wrong, Easter is my favourite time of year for chocolate, Crème Eggs are to die for and it saddens me slightly that the fling only lasts for a month or so. BUT, there are only so many that you can eat in one period of time.

So I’ve compiled a list of yummy recipes that include your left over Crème Eggs from Easter.

Crème Egg Brownies
Crème Egg Brownies

1. Crème Egg Brownies – Just when you thought chocolate brownies couldn’t get any more tasty, try melting crème eggs into your mixture, or slicing them in half (without eating them) and placing them in your brownie tray so that when they are cooked, it’s one gooey, chocolatey mess.

2. Crème Egg Cupcakes – If you’re one of those people who is always thinking of new and exciting ways to decorate your cupcakes, then this one’s for you. Say goodbye to the traditional white icing sugar and sprinkles and say hello to creme egg topped delights. Cut the crème egg in half and scoop out the inner heaven. This is what you use as your icing, plus a bit of icing sugar. And as it would be rude to leave the outer chocolate shell behind, this can be used as the ‘cherry’ on top.

3. Crème Egg Pancakes – Who says you can only eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday? These desserts are almost too good to eat but stack up as many pancakes as you think (or hope) you can stomach and melt your crème eggs over the top to create a gooey pile of sweetness.

Crème Egg Pancakes
Crème Egg Pancakes

4. Crème Egg Cheesecake – Something slightly more adventurous, but nevertheless, still exciting. Why not try scooping out the centre of the crème egg and using this, mixed with marscapone and cream to make the centre of the cheesecake? Topped with melted chocolate from the rest of the egg and set in the fridge, ready to share with everyone and anyone (that’s if you can part with it yourself!)

5. Crème Egg Cornflake Cake – And finally, it wouldn’t be Easter without a cornflake cake! Topped with Mini Eggs and Mini Crème Eggs. Melt any Easter eggs you can spare, along with a few crème eggs into the bowl and pile in the cornflakes. Mixed together and (hopefully) separated into individual cases, but that’s only if you haven’t polished it off out the bowl before!

So if you happen to have some spare chocolate, and some spare time then why not try rustling up one of these tasty treats this Easter weekend. However, I wouldn’t blame you if you decided/attempted to stuff your face with all the chocolate in sight before even had your Sunday Roast. After all, Easter is probably the only time of year that there is no excuse to eat as much as your like.. Oh, and Christmas! But it’s far too early to be mentioning that.

Happy Easter!

Made in Chelsea Series 7, Episode 2

After what started out as a fiery seventh series, this week was fairly bland in comparison. With the exception of Mark Francis’ ‘gymnaissance’ in the middle of a show garden, the Chelsea antics were not on fire last night.

Is that Mark Francis in the gym?

Instead of a blazing row or a room filled with awkwardness (actually there were one or two of these), we were introduced to two newbies who will hopefully have more of an impact than last year’s fresh faces. Firstly there was Rob, a feeble looking guy, fairly anemic looking skin who seems the type to eternally be excluded from a ‘lads night out’. He was taken on a surprise double date with Lucy, Alex and Binky. As to be expected, this was probably the worst decision as Rob was rebuffed by Lucy after just two questions – DISASTER!

The other fresh face on our screen’s this week was a Sophie Ellis Bexter look-alike, Emma Miller. Her initial unfathomable accent and unusual lip size made her seem a fairly mysterious and cold character and it doesn’t take a genius to work out who she has connections with – Mr Matthews, of course. How Spencer can hold her in the same esteem as Caggie, or even Louise, when she has the personality of a cold fish is slightly beyond my understanding for just episode 2.

As far as Louise made an appearance, she was left to arrange a singles dinner party inviting a handful of ex’s, what a brilliant idea! Her not so posh brother turned his nose up at the fact of Spencer being invited but it turned out he left his good friend Emma to show her face without him. And newly-single Stevie decided that this wasn’t the place for him, so instead, he took to some heart-warming, uplifting poetry at the local bar.

So as the limp plot-line went on, Alex and Binky’s relationship is still on the rocks as far as the cheating rumours are concerned, despite an unusual date to the museum looking at dead stuffed animals in quest to ‘educate’ Binky. In true Chelsea fashion, everyone tries to stick their nose in and be your best friend so that the truth will come out eventually.

I think the most exciting part of the hour-long episode was the ‘Coming Next Week’ clip right at the very end. All seems to be revealed about Alex’s supposed dirty antics and Spencer’s relationship with Emma is further exposed. So instead of awaiting my review each week, make sure you turn over to E4 at 10pm on Monday (but you can still read it if you wish.. please!)

Top 10 Worst Chat up Lines

For many girls, when guys try to win you over and get your attention using chat up lines, it results in nothing other than hysterics. It is so difficult to take someone seriously when they approach you with these cheesy lines, even more so when they are being so serious! I think it’s safe to say we’ve all been a victim of one of these awkward situations and here is a list of the top 10 worst chat up lines that I have heard, to date.

1) I like your dress – but it would look better on my bedroom floor

2) I’m looking for treasure – can I have a look around your chest

3) Your eyes are like spanners – every time I look at them my nuts tighten

4) Are you Jamaican? Because you’re Jamaican me crazy…

5) Is your father a thief? Because he must have stolen your eyes from heaven

6) You look like a parking ticket – because you’ve got fine written all over you

7) Did it hurt – falling from heaven?

8) If I could rewrite the alphabet I would put ‘u’ and ‘I’ together

9) Are you tired? Because you’ve been running round my mind all night

10) Have a feel of this shirt – do you know what that feels like? Boyfriend material


Some of these are just horrific! What’s wrong with a simple compliment or just a general conversation as a way of introducing yourself to someone? I think it is slightly more concerning to think about how these were even discovered in the first place. Someone has got to have come up with these cringe chat up lines and it would be so satisfying to know who that person is and whether they have actually got anywhere with them!

So guys, take note of what NOT to say if you’re wanting to hit on someone the next time you’re out and take a slightly more sophisticated approach.

It’s back! Made in Chelsea returns to our screens for a SEVENTH series

With Made in Chelsea (or MIC to most) being probably my favourite reality TV show, I took up the idea of blogging an episode review each week. Partly for anyone that missed it, and partly (actually mostly) because it means I get to re-watch each episode!

So since Jamie whisked Lucy away in a horse and carriage at the end of the last series, just four months ago, so much seems to have gone down in the posh ends of London. With few newbies on the scene, it looks as if MIC has returned to top posh form for it’s seventh series. Can you believe it? SEVENTH series!

Any episode that has Lucy Watson parading down King’s Road in slow motion, whilst Jamie Laing emerges from his goose-gown bed has got potential. As she mastered the strut and pout, it is clear from the outset that this is going to be a drama-filled series.

Lucy masters the strut and pout
Lucy masters the strut and pout

Spencer was living up to his arrogant reputation whilst partaking in, what posh people do best, offroading in Range Rovers across the countryside. And although we got a sneak peak at the end of the last series, it would seem that Spencer and Andy are now best buds, despite the ongoing Louise dramas.

Putting aside Louise’s interesting take on a leather biker jacket, it transpired that Jamie had confessed his love to every girl he saw whilst in Miami. Take note – this was one week, I repeat ONE week after he made the grand gesture with Lucy. Someone needs to teach this guy the meaning of the word love.

So whilst Jamie was busy dropping “L-Bombs” (code word for L O V E), unfortunately it was not the case for Binky and Alex. Quite possibly my favourite couple, yet they still haven’t managed to utter the immortal words to each other, despite practically living together and the endless holiday snaps from their recent trip to Goa. But wait, what are these rumours I hear that Alex has been up to no good? The most recent love scandal of this series obviously was unveiled in episode one, but much to the audience’s horror. Surely Alex wouldn’t do that?

Obviously this all came to the fore in an ultimate ‘party showdown’, themed this week around a Game of Thrones inspired apparel. The episode’s final fifteen minutes showed the cast in their usual awkwardly forced conversations and it certainly didn’t disappoint after the word had got out about Alex supposedly cheating.

It’s hard to believe that a show based around the extravagant lives of half-liked twenty-year-olds is in it’s seventh series, but nevertheless we sure do have our Monday night entertainment back. Yeah boi!

Orange is the new black

When Netflix launched the new series ‘Orange is the New Black’, I don’t think they realised they would be setting the trends for this year’s Spring/Summer fashion collections. You may have noticed whilst trawling the high street for this year’s Spring/Summer hottest buys that orange is without a doubt, the new black this season. The fiery hue has been spotted all over the spring 2014 ready-to-wear shows, making its way from the season’s lipstick to its clothes, bags, and shoes.

Orange lipstick seems to be the most talked about at this year’s catwalks across the world. New York Fashion Week showed no holding back when it came to bold statement lip colour and the DKNY Spring Fashion Show was another that wasn’t shy of a orange power pout. Would you wear it? Even if you’re a bit reluctant to wear one of these bold colours, there’s always a pastel shade that would still ensure you’re up there with the craze this Spring/Summer. Orange suits all skin tones, from pale to tan to dark skin but in order not to overdo it, make sure you accesorise with nude and black items to balance the brightness of your outfit.

Fiery Spring/Summer Collection at Topshop
Fiery Spring/Summer Collection at Topshop

Pastel outwear was all the range in 2013, but this year we’ve stepped it up a notch and brought in the more spicy shades for Summer. A pop of colour can instantly brighten up your day and this trend has certainly taken well to our favourite high street shops. Warehouse have gone juicy with a collection of fiery dresses, skirts, jumpers and tops along with a number of sizzling accessories. Topshop are always on point with their quirky fashion trends and even more so this season with a collection of bold tops, jackets and swimwear to ensure you stand out this Summer. Orange has even spread across the web as ASOS take to this tropical trend offering almost every essential this Summer in the new black.

So why not venture out into this seasons latest trend and adopt the orange into your wardrobe!

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