Tag Archives: modelling

The Beauty in Beauty Pageants

When it’s time for you to make you’re own decisions in life, there are some that you expect more than others: What outfit shall I wear today? What do I want for dinner tonight? Should I buy this? But there are some decisions that you come across that you have to take a chance and decide what to do based solely on what you think as an individual. And this post is really an account of a decision that someone very close to me had to make.

As a fashion student, having an interest in clothes and latest trends is a given, and somewhat compulsory. The Birmingham Clothes Show is the perfect opportunity for people, such as her, to attend and gain an insight into all things fashion. From make-up stands, to catwalks, to model scouting, it’s every fashion student’s dream! You can spend the day indulging in luxury and delight – maybe I should tag along next year!

Clothes Show Live 2015: Birmingham
Clothes Show Live 2015: Birmingham

So what am I rambling on about, you may ask? First about decisions, now Fashion Shows? Well yes, exactly that. This someone that I am talking about is my best friend. She was scouted at the show by the Miss England representatives, and asked if she wanted to enter the competition for her local region, London. Now, decisions such as this can come with a lot of controversy. Beauty pageants are associated with a lot of negative stigma and can be frowned upon by many, and in some cases, I believe this to be true. But when I say this, I’m talking about the parents that force their children into walking a catwalk in a fancy frock, caked in make up, looking like a clown in drag – it’s just unnecessary.

Miss England
Miss England

However, after much deliberation and research into these competitions, I came to realise that in fact, as an adult, you have so much more of a choice. A choice to take part, a choice on what you do, and a choice on how personal or over-the-top you make it. Beauty pageants can be so much more than looking pretty and feeling great about yourself. Whilst, these two factors are always an added bonus, it takes a lot of confidence and self-esteem to put yourself into a situation like this and compete with other contestants. Really when you think about it logically, there is no difference between something like this and entering your local gymnastics competition at school. So why is there so much negative press? You’re there competing with people that have the same goals and intentions as you, yet if anything, this requires a whole lot more focus?

Along with confidence, there is the need for hard work. Finding a sponsorship, adhering to certain standards and being fully committed to the event can become fairly time consuming when you’re balancing this with Uni work. Promotion and support from family and friends was the way in which she gained a sponsorship – PoshParties will be seeing her through the Miss London process. There is also hard work involved in body image, and this is where beauty pageants can get there bad name. The requirements to look a certain way and be of a certain size are factored into this, but are not compulsory. In more cases than one, it is through the choice of the individual that attention to their body image is paid, as this can help boost confidence and determination to succeed in the competition.

Beauty with a Purpose
Beauty with a Purpose

Now, charity work is not something that you would first associate with beauty pageants, yet it actually plays a big role in the entire process. ‘Beauty with a Purpose‘ is the main charity that coincides with the Miss England etc. pageants. Money that is raised is donated to children and adults across the entire globe that are in need of aid, or facing neglect. Since 1972, ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ has been at the heart of every Miss World competition and will continue to do so in coming years. Contestants show a passion for helping others and a desire to meet and share experiences with other people across the world. So whilst you might not think that being part of something like this has any benefit to anyone other than yourself, there are so many people that are grateful for the support that is associated with these pageants – I told you it wasn’t all bad!

So, I’ve told you her story and I’ve told you why there is so much more to beauty pageants, so I should probably tell you why I’m writing this. Jo Carey is my best friend, and I want you to support her in her Miss London journey just as much as I am. As I said to start with, making decisions can be fairly tough at times but if you stick by it and work at it, then who can fault you? No one can.

Jo Carey, Miss London Finalist 2015
Jo Carey, Miss London Finalist 2015

If you want to follow Jo’s journey more closely, she has recently set herself up a blog to record her journey and experiences. I know she would be so appreciative of any support and if you take nothing else from this post, be sure to understand that there is so much more to beauty pageants than meets the eye – weren’t you ever told to not believe everything you read?