Tag Archives: seasons

Live the High Life

With the winter showing us some real chills, its time to take a high level approach to dressing this season. For some, knee high boots are always something that you’d expect your Mum to wear, or something that you’d have when you were a child buying your first pair of winter boots; but its time to put this behind you if you want to fit the trend this year.

Boots are an essential part of winter and can easily become your best friend during the adverse weather conditions that we soon learn to experience. Soggy trainers in the rain? I don’t think so. Uggs in the snow? I don’t think so. Canvas pumps through the storms? I don’t think so, either. So with prices ranging from top to bottom, knee highs have invaded hundreds of high street stores to set you up for extended coverage and style.

Flat shoes are no fun and can make your legs look short and stumpy, but nobody can walk around in stilettos all day, every day; so boots are the perfect compromise. This year we have such a wide selection to choose from. Everything from plain black leather, to two-toned, to statement heels, they’re all out there waiting for you to explore.

It’s important to wear your knee highs with pride as, in our world today, its all about identity. Image is everything and being on trend is more of a priority than it has ever been. So whether you choose to wear tights and a cute day dress, or jeans and a oversized coat, either way boots will be the perfect accompaniment to your outfit for the winter season!