Top Tips for Holidaying in Ibiza


So after recently returning from a holiday to Ibiza and severe lack of blogging, an Ibiza blog is definitely overdue and what better than to give a few top tips for holidaying in paradise.

One of the biggest, and most obvious, things that I learned whilst away is that you need to be prepared to spend money. Ibiza is an expensive area and in order to have the ultimate Ibiza experience, be prepared to pay 40 Euro for an alcoholic drink or 15 Euro for a bottle of water. Supermarkets can give you a better deal, but not in all cases. They are still crafty enough to charge you 3 Euro for a single packet of crisps because it is almost guaranteed that you will buy some crisps if you’re in a snacky mood, or just hungover!

Another big thing is pickpocketing. You need eyes in the back of your head and you need to be on the ball at all times. People go out to Ibiza with one thing in mind, to pickpocket. Waving your hands up and down in the air whilst dancing in a club is an easy way for them to sneak into your bag. And you don’t even realise it’s happening. But sadly, isn’t this the case for many places these days? Why people feel the need to steal from others is way beyond me.

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Ibiza is definitely the time where you can show some real sass. Telling people where to go, or where to stick their ‘Best Drinks offer on the Island’ becomes slightly more of a habit than a choice. It is acceptable and bearable to an extent but always have a couple of excuses up your sleeves, such as “I’m going home tomorrow” or even “I’m already going, see you there!”. The bottom line is don’t be scared to say no!

Apart from these, Ibiza is one of the most amazing places and has some of the most beautiful beaches and sunsets. It is somewhere that I would visit again, without a doubt. So if you haven’t done the Ibiza experience, make sure it’s on your bucket list!

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