Tag Archives: sun

Top 5 Best Things About Summer

Uni has finished. You’ve moved back home. Summer has officially begun. And with the weather being as glorious as it is, this certainly calls for a reflection on the best things about the summer season.

Beach days are the best days
Beach days are the best days

1. The Beach – nothing can beat a warm sunny day the beach. Us Brits are determined to make a coastal appearance, even if the weather is bad. Miles of golden sand and vast expanses of water, we’ll dip our feet in whether the temperature is in minus numbers or not. I’m sure everyone can say they’re guilty of an English sunburn. Laying on the beach, sizzling until you physically cannot stay any longer – then regretting it in the evening when you could quite possibly fry an egg on your shoulders. Where’s the aftersun?

2. BBQs – Any time of the day. Any day of the week. You cannot say no to a BBQ. Sausages, burgers, chicken skewers and corn on the cob, all charcoaled by your Dad’s best BBQing skills. There’s something about a BBQ in the sunshine with a cider in one hand and a burger in the other. Absolute perfection. Still sitting outside late at night, being bitten to death by mosquitoes – that’s when you know you’re in the really summer spirit!

3. Wimbledon – As soon as the sun arrives you know that Wimbledon cannot be far around the corner. Two weeks of solid tennis entertainment. It almost becomes an addiction. Will he, won’t he? Can Murray bag us another win for this year? Strawberries and cream on centre court and endless jugs of Pimms, it’s difficult to realise why you would want to be too far from a television screen.

Get the strawberries and cream at the ready!

4. Holidays – The countdown began a fair few months ago now and you’re so near to the end. Weeks abroad, relaxing by a pool, sunbathing on an exotic beach, ice cream after ice cream and bottle upon bottle of after sun. It’s a chance to test your GCSE languages that are still somewhere buried at the back of your brain. Absorbing foreign cultures and most importantly, time to chill out. Lounging around in the sun with a cocktail in arms length. Paradise.

5. Sunshine – We can never be too sure when it comes to summer whether we are going to get the weather that we hope for, but nevertheless, there’s sure to be a day or two filled with British sun. It’s not quite the same as the heat we get in the Mediterranean but, if nothing else, it puts a smile on our face.

So we can only live in hope that this sunny weather continues for a bit longer. If not, we shall be digging out the waterproofs and winter woollies slightly earlier than we had wished!

Where has the year gone?

So today we hit the first day of the sixth month. June 1st. This means we are officially half way through 2014 already! It seems like only yesterday that it was time to take down all the Christmas decorations and finally throw away the left over turkey. But it has,  in fact, been a whole six months. Where has the year gone?

As we officially enter the summer season, which is slightly questionable due to the lack of ‘summer’ weather, it’s time to start planning your summer antics and an unofficial summer bucket list. For us students, being at University means that this time of year is exam season. Life is full steam ahead all the time, so I for one am looking forward to June (well from the middle onwards that is!)

With it being half way through the year, it is a good opportunity to reflect on all of your new years resolutions and see how many, if any, you actually managed stick to! Was this year your year to get that slender bikini body? Was 2014 your chance to start something new? Well, have you done it? And if the answer is no, which don’t worry, I’m sure you’re not the only one, then now is a good time to start. You’ve got exactly half a year before you have to think of something else for your 2015 new years resolution!

Now, for June, the weather is just not acceptable for most of us. It’s touch and go as to whether we are actually able to dig out the summer clothes. Obviously for some more daring people, they won’t let a few clouds and a bit of rain stop them from flaunting their summer clothes. Let’s just hope it brightens up soon so we can head down to the beach, walk to the local park and enjoy ice creams without feeling like an ice cube!

The joys of being British!

BBQ Season is back!

It’s been a long while coming but I think we can now officially say that the BBQ season has arrived! Unless I’ve just jinxed it by saying that. Sorry! But the sun is most definitely shining and the evenings are certainly lighter which means one thing, and one thing only. The Dad’s are out, sausages in hand whilst Mum prepares her baps. It sounds like a sketch from Carry On film- just no sign of Barbara Windsor!

It’s that season of the year where a spontaneous BBQ leads to a mad rush to the supermarket, stocking up on all meats, salads and condiments, only to find that half of the shelves are empty as everyone has had the same idea as you. Nevertheless you find a way to BBQ anything in sight (even a turkey when it comes to Christmas. Oh woops, wrong time of year!). Dad digs out his tools of the trade that are only seen once or twice a year and takes on the role of head chef. It’s a time where us ladies are reminded that a BBQ is a man’s job, it’s a man’s masterpiece and a man’s territory. Whoever dares to move closer to the sizzling stand of sausages is likely to receive an earful. So it’s just easier to let them get on with it and deal with the burnt food afterwards. Instead of saying ‘grace’ we can recognise the immensely charcoaled food that is sat before us and pray that next time he will let someone else take on the cooking.

It doesn’t even have to be an evening thing, any time of the day is the right time to have a BBQ (even breakfast if you fancy burgers that early in the morning). Weekend lunchtimes, gathered with your friends around your garden table with a severe lack of chairs and arm space. Ice cold cider in one hand, sunglasses lowered to eye level and the infinite rays of sun beaming down onto your face (that’s if we’re really lucky – be prepared to be interrupted with a cloud or two!)

It doesn’t bode too well with your summer figure though. BBQ’s never fail to show how much food you can really eat in one sitting. Starting with nibbles (crisps, dips, peanuts) whilst you’re waiting for the charcoal to turn as pasty as your legs, then there is always a few top ups, followed by your main plate (or plates) piled high with hot dogs AND burgers AND kebabs AND a large range of salads. Where do we put it all? BBQ’s seem to have an effect on people, allowing them to miraculously expand the size of their stomach. But it’s one of the best parts of summer, right?

So before we lose the chance, and before the sunny weather disappears, dig out your BBQ which is hidden at the back of the garage or shed. Peel back the cover which is likely to have faded in the sun, from where you left it out all of last summer, and stock up on your BBQ food. Summer is coming and the BBQ season has officially arrived. HALLELUJAH!