Made in Chelsea Series 7, Episode 3 Review

So after last week’s bland(ish) plot line, this week certainly cranked it up a notch. It’s London Fashion Week and Mark Francis is in his element. Much to his despair, Binky’s lack of interest and enthusiasm towards fashion was definitely put to the test whilst watching the model’s parade up and down the cat walk – one of which was Emma Miller, last week’s fresh face and Spencer’s new love interest.

Binky, Louise and Mark Francis at London Fashion Week
Binky, Louise and Mark Francis at London Fashion Week

Everyone’s favourite, Binky’s Mum Jane, met up for a secret coffee and ‘catch up’ to discuss the cheating rumours. Whilst Binky was unaware of this, her and Louise also met up for coffee to discuss last week’s most exciting part, the single’s dinner party. It would appear that Chelsea’s newest dating partners are soon to be Robbo and Louise (that’s if Alex and Binky have their way).

Meanwhile Spencer, a man of many good ideas (hmm), organised a double date with Emma, Jamie, and Emma’s friend Victoria Gucci (yes, some relation of the founder of Gucci but far too complex to explain). To be expected, this turned out to be somewhat awkward and disastrous, but nevertheless, Jamie turned up to Lucy’s birthday party with an unexpected plus one the next day (Victoria) and Spencer took Emma for a more sophisticated meal for two. This also backfrired on Spenny after confessing his true feelings for Emma led to the ultimate pie on her behalf – I’m not sure if Spencer has ever been rejected in such a hostile situation!

So as Binky and Alex push past all the cheating rumours and their matchmaking skills are in full swing with Louise and Robbo, Cheska is informed of some shocking information which is set to break Binky and Alex apart forever. Before the cosy nights of double dates are under-way, Cheska struggles to find a way to tell Binky the news that is sure to break her heart. Uh oh, we all know what this is going to be…

…Yes, you’ve got it, he’s a cheat. Inside information meant that Cheska was able to find out who the girl was and where exactly this happened. And where better to drop the bombshell than at Lucy’s birthday party. The dreaded “Can I talk to you in private?” made an appearance and Binky instantly broke down. But can we blame her? Alex was the trustworthy one, the one we had our hopes up for. In true Chelsea fashion, it didn’t take long before Alex was on the scene and questioned why his girlfriend was beside herself. Is he stupid? Obviously he knows what is the matter.

Well it didn’t take long for him to come clean (almost) and try to excuse himself by stating that he has had nights where he ‘doesn’t remember anything’. He was soon to clear Cheska from the scene and attempted to comfort Binky – of which she was having none of it (you go, girl!) As usual, a dramatic ending is always necessary and we can always count on Binky with her one- liners. Even in a time of frustration, upset and anger she manages to come out with, “You don’t remember putting your dick in someone else?”

It takes a lot to compose yourself as well as Binky did, so it continues to raise the question, how could you Alex? Who would cheat on Binky?


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